Tuesday mornings |10.00am to 12noon | September to June at Druminnis
If you’re a Mum, Dad, Grandparent or you care for a child that’s too young for school then you’d be more than welcome to join us at Chatterbox.
The group started up to enable parents with young children to share with others in similar circumstances in a caring and welcoming environment. We aim to reach out to parents/carers in the
community and use opportunities to publicise events which are going on in our Church.
We operate a structured routine each week, which the children really respond to. This includes free play time with a whole host of toys as well as an area to play with "play doh" and a table
where we have craft activities every week. Around 11 o’clock it’s snack time for the children and the adults get a chance to have a welcomed cup of tea/coffee and scones. After "tidy-