Redrock "Living for Jesus, speaking for Jesus"
Redrock       "Living for Jesus, speaking for Jesus"

YF @The Loft

Youth Fellowship @ The THE place to be for Druminnis & Redrock young people and their friends if you’re aged 11-18.

We meet in the LOFT @ 7.45 – 9pm every other Sunday.  Each night there’ll be crazy games (and some less crazy!!), Food (it’s always good!!), Coffee and time to explore the Bible together......(and we PROMISE that’ll be anything but boring!!).


Dates for 2015 - God Uses Imperfect People like you and me


11th October - Rebekah - plotting and planning

25th October - Prodigal Son - grass is always greener?

8th November - Special Guests - Question Time!

22nd November - Jonah - A fishy tale

6th December - Saul - Limp leader

20th December - Christmas @themanse - imperfect party!

Redrock Presbyterian Church
67 Redrock Road,


Co Armagh

BT60 2BL


Please contact us:



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